
5 ChatGPT Prompts For When You Feel Like Giving Up

5 ChatGPT prompts for when you feel like giving up


Entrepreneurship is hard, and expecting it to be easy makes it harder. No matter who you are, everything will not go your way all of the time. And that’s okay. Some days you might feel like you’ll never make it, on others you’ll have a breakthrough and the path will become clear. For those times when you’re running out of motivation and not sure there’s a way through, call on ChatGPT to pick you back up.

Train ChatGPT as your personal motivation coach with the following prompts. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Get your business motivation back with ChatGPT

Realign with your vision

I have a post-it note on my wall that says, “5000 creators.” For my business right now, that’s our next big milestone. What’s your equivalent? If everything went as well as you dreamt, what’s the metric that will mark a job well done and a business that you’re proud of? Get ChatGPT’s help in remembering your vision and realigning with your purpose. Set the mission on track and ignore the lows in pursuit of the highs. Put the goal on display so you don’t forget again.

“Help me craft an inspirational post-it note reminder of what I need to focus on. My ultimate business goal is [insert specific goal or milestone]. What short (fewer than 5 words), powerful message can I write to keep me focused and motivated towards achieving this?”

Be inspired by another

There are very few unique problems. Even though you feel like you’re on your own, other people know what you’re going through. They overcame similar hurdles. Not only did the great business leaders of the past survive those challenges, they thrived, they succeeded, and they told their story to inspire you today. Ask ChatGPT for those stories. Describe who you are and meet role models that resonate, so giving up is the last thing on your mind.

“I am an entrepreneur facing [describe current challenge or situation]. Can you share stories of successful business leaders who have faced similar challenges? I’m looking for inspiration and lessons from their experiences that can help guide me through my own entrepreneurial journey.”

Plan your day

When you’re busy executing and making progress, overthinking and stressing out take a backseat. There’s no point wallowing in self-pity about the client that just canceled, but there’s much to be gained from getting out there and winning another. Don’t think, do. Stop acting like a victim. Transform your mindset by planning your day. Make a list, in priority order, of those things that will make the most difference to your business. Start at the top and keep going until you’ve made progress. You could be a few steps away from a whole new reality.

“Help me prioritize my day. Ask me ‘What will make the most difference to your business today?’ and let me answer. In a follow up question, ask if it really is the most important thing. Then ask the question, “After that, what will make the most difference to your business today” again after each response, followed by the follow up question, until I’ve created a complete to-do list. This process will naturally order my tasks by priority, as I’ll be listing them based on their immediate impact on my business.”

Be more playful

We are born as playful, smiley, inquisitive kids, and then education, careers and mainstream media grind away at our natural playfulness until we’re boring grown ups. Kids don’t overthink, overwork or dwell on the negative. They approach everything with a beginner’s mind. They find the fun, they overestimate their own ability to hilarious results. Be more kid. Forget how your three piece suit and important responsibilities say you should act, stop underestimating your abilities, and do everything you do with a new sense of wonder.

“Take the to-do list for today that we just established and act as a consultant who helps people find fun in their work. Suggest creative and playful ways to gamify the top 3 tasks or break them into smaller and more enjoyable component parts. I want to approach my work with a beginner’s mind, finding fun and innovative methods to accomplish these tasks while maintaining their effectiveness.”

Hold an attitude of gratitude

There’s no need to feel down in the dumps when you have so much to be grateful for. A former version of you would have given everything for the life you have now. And now you have it, you’re wasting it feeling sad. Stop this right now. Use this prompt to begin a gratitude practice that shifts your mindset so you’re ready to work. You can’t feel lack when you’re full of gratitude. You can’t be afraid and grateful at the same time. Spark yourself up and back to normal.

“I’m feeling down and need to shift my mindset. Can we start a gratitude practice together? Acting as a life coach, begin by asking me to name something I’m grateful for in my business or personal life. After each response, prompt me to reflect on why I’m thankful for it and how it contributes positively to my life. Continue this back-and-forth until I’ve built a substantial list of things I’m grateful for, helping me realize the abundance and positivity in my life and business.”

Don’t give up: use these ChatGPT prompts to transform your mindset

It’s totally normal to feel like giving up every now and then. This doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path or need to reassess, it simply means you’re holding yourself to high standards. And that’s a good thing. Use these prompts when you feel like giving up to turn your world around and get back on track. Realign with your vision and be inspired by other people, plan your day around your top priority at that exact moment, and be more playful with every task. Hold an attitude of gratitude to remember everything you have to be thankful for. Now is not the time to give up; you’re just getting started.

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